BURST DATE: September 20, 2021
TIME: 6:30-9:30 pm CDT PLACE: ONLINE by appointment or submission NOTE: Your first step in signing up is to click the link at bottom of this page for AUDITION TIME (takes you to SignUpGenius). Please read everything on your way down to it! "Concert Reading? What's That?" Using lecterns, a stage-directions narrator, and no technical elements, these readings focus entirely on the story and the actors--literally, the play's voices. "What about the pandemic?" We have successfully mounted online as well as in-person projects in 2021. We are prepared to rehearse and present these FRESH PRODUCE readings in either format or both. If/when it is clear and safe to work in-person, everyone on the team will be required to have completed a CV-19 vaccination protocol prior to participation. Because the situation will likely remain fluid, unvaccinated people are expected to get vaxed at the earliest possible time. Vertical Divider
LEE: An employee at the DQ. Late teens/young adult. Male identifying. Race/heritage open. KAREN: An employee at the DQ. Late teens/young adult. Female identifying. Race/heritage open. SHEILA: Manager of the DQ. Late 20s/early 30s. Female identifying. NARRATOR: Host, stage-directions, story-teller. Age, gender, and race/heritage open. SETTING: The evening of the 4th of July.
Karen and Lee have nothing in common except for one thing: they’re both employees at the local Dairy Queen, where they’re stuck working the 4th of July. Karen wants to run away from their small town while Lee is focused on climbing the ranks of Dairy Queen to the top. Things take a turn when they discover their manager has abandoned them and they begin plotting a future neither of them imagined. Reigning over a large quantity of ice cream and some hidden vodka, two teenagers imagine adventure, salvation, and America beneath the fluorescent lights of a Midwest Dairy Queen. CHARACTERS
SARAH BOYD: CEO and founder of Tactix. Charismatic. Her clothes could have come out of an LL Bean catalogue. Early to mid-30s, female identifying. Race/heritage open. JENNIFER WEAVER: Chief of Technology for Tactix. Brilliant. Does not put a considerable amount of time into her clothing choices. Early to mid-30s, female identifying. Race/heritage open. ALEXIS LYONS: Journalist. Charming, able to make most people she comes in contact with trust her right away. Outfit is polished. Late 20s to 30s, female identifying. Race/heritage open. NARRATOR: Host, stage-directions, story-teller. Age, gender, and race/heritage open. SETTING: Sarah Boyd’s office on the Tactix campus located in Mountain View, CA. The thermostat for the entire complex is set to a brisk 60 degrees.
Not only did Sarah Boyd build her company, Tactix, from scratch using nothing but willpower and fortitude, she also sits on the precipice of truly saving this planet by ushering it into the post-plastic era. With her eyes steady on her next round of funding, Sarah must persevere through a late night interview with a particularly tough reporter, a lawsuit aimed at a person from her past, and the waffling of her CTO. It's a heavy load, and Sarah knows that she is the only one great enough to bear it. |
- OPEN AUDITIONS will be held for any interested parties. We especially invite persons from under-represented groups (BIPOC) and of any gender identification.
- FINANCIALS: We are a "sharing" company in that the creative artists and the company receive a share of finances remaining after fixed costs (royalties, design/technical elements, rent, etc.) Income will derive from crowd-sourcing campaign/s, donations, gifts, and ticket sales--the larger those proceeds, the greater the value of a 'share.' This includes FRESH PRODUCE concert readings.
- AUDITIONING: 60 second monologue of your own choosing is preferred but not required. Cold readings available on the audition day (maybe from these plays, maybe not.) In any case, you might be asked to read from the script/s of these plays.
- Read information above about the plays carefully.
- Sign up for an audition time at the link below.
- After you have booked a time, you will get a separate email inviting you to the Audition Form page. Please fill it out as completely as possible.
- After we have received your completed Audition Form, you will get a separate email inviting you to the online audition event.
- You will audition online in a private closed session for directors and other management staff.
- Please plan to arrive online at least 5 minutes prior to, and no sooner than 10 minutes prior to, your time-slot.
- Callbacks may or may not be needed.
- Casting offers will be made ASAP by email or by phone-call.
- Cast lists will be posted publicly ASAP on website and Facebook page.
- Although some individual contacts may be made, public postings will serve as notification to those who are not cast.
FRESH PRODUCE concert readings are always free admission. FULL PRODUCTIONS - up to 1/3 of all tickets FREE, escalating pricing for pre-reserving seats. Donations always kindly accepted, however. |