Management Planning Feedback Form
Thank you for your interest in and support of TheatreMidwest. As we look to our options for moving forward, you can help the process by indicating your areas of interest or experience (or "non") in the questions below. Your input is of great value and the company is better for it. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THIS INFORMATION IS FOR INTERNAL PLANNING USE ONLY. LET'S SHARE IT WITH POTENTIAL/INTERESTED PARTIES, BUT NOT ON SOCIAL MEDIA OR EMAIL BLASTS.
- Substantial growth in all areas over first 3 seasons.
- Quality of the work remains high.
- Former Associate Producer and Board Members now on indefinite leave, likely not coming back.
- Grantors have mentioned moderate concerns about number of board members.
- ”Condensed Management” team need to reduce/step back from some tasks for 21/22 ?+?
- Programming for Season 4 reduced to 3 produced projects, and…?
- Current NEA grant in process *might* yield north of $100,000 which *could* = some mgmt positions becoming permanent/salaried/hourly.
- One person may/can (still) take on more than one mgmt position.
- Conversely, more-than-one-person may/can hold/share/alternate (still) in *one* position.
- Grant/s or no, this is how many positions it requires to operate successfully at the quality level we are committed to.
- This information will be shared with: tmw current mgmt associates, other current and former company members, qualified referrals and acquaintances from outside the company, and….?
- Production opportunities for Season 4 at the bottom of this form: the more we can button down now, the less jam-ups in mid-season.
- In the first section (Board) some framing questions are included, which start with "Can/Will you...". For all the rest, assume the question is some variation of "Are you interested and/or experienced in...."
- At the (very) bottom is a place to indicate interest in Production, Design, Mgmt, Performance opportunities for SEASON 4.
- Initial Responses by Topic = YES ("Sign me up, let's get started!"); NO ( "No, not interested"); MAYBE ("Interested but would like more info or discussion")
- * are required fields.
- Although the area-related queries are not *requiring* a response, it would be helpful if you can reply to all of them. Also, ....
- Don't worry about offending anyone's sensibilities by using the "No" button.
- You can view a previous copy of a planning chart of mgmt areas and more specifics about duties from last summer, 2020, HERE.
- See current positions descriptions IN MS EXCEL for "Condensed Management" positions (Associate Producer, Communications Director, General Duties, Literary Mgr, Tech Director.) See tabs at bottom HERE.
- See current position descriptions IN MS EXCEL for "Management Associate" Positions (General, Audience Services, Communications, Development, Organization, Outreach, Production.) See tabs at bottom HERE.
- OR see all of above in PDF format IN THIS ONE FILE RIGHT HERE.
Here's a "FORWARD" chart of potential opportunities. This is an internal document, not meant for public consumption. Feel free to share it with potential candidates, but please do it privately, not on social media or similar.
Click to enlarge as you need to. ----------------------->>>>-------------------------->>>>>>>>>> |
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